The book boasts you can lose up to 8 pounds in this initial stage.
So just how did TheFiance and I do?
Well, I gotta say I wasn't expecting a large loss from myself but I lost an awesome 8.8 pounds. Considering all the crap I've been eating for the majority of March I suppose I shouldn't be so alarmed. It has been an awful month for my weightloss endeavors (pre-Sass plan) Needless to say this loss definitely puts me in a great mood. I'm delighted!
TheFiances total loss was an amazing 9.2 pounds. . He wasn't quite expecting it either as his initial guesstimate was that he would lose 5 pounds. He's happy with the results and serves as motivation to keep on going in the right direction.
Overall success on both our parts :0)
In Review:
TheFiance has had extra energy this week and its kept his mood pretty much balanced throughout the days.
As for me, well I haven't felt sluggish at all during the week but for some reason I haven't been sleeping as much as I could/should so I've been on and off sleepy since Wednesday.
Getting up earlier in the mornings to help TheFiance get his breakfast made while he packs his lunch has taken a bit of a toll on my sleep. One of the things I wish I had done was to separate all our foods for the week as we bought them. You know, measured everything out and have it pre sorted so when the time came we could just throw it altogether. It would have saved me a lot of time but stubborn little me chose not to at first.
Day 2 we did boil half a dozen eggs and by Day 3 I had separated all the frozen berries into their proper serving sizes. I could have divided the yogurt, almonds, and spinach servings in the same respect but once again I didn't.
Personally I dread pre-planning things and despise following a routine of sorts but I learned this week it comes in far more handy than my spoiled brat self can argue.
As for the cost that went into this week, I sat down this morning with all my reciepts and tallied it up. Our total cost for the two of us following these 5 days came out to $100.70.
Alarming I know, but considering most of my shopping was done the weekend before I started this plan I (once again) didn't preplan or look for the best prices. I went for the most convenient stores that are right down the road.
Heres the breakdown of my costs:
- FRUITS: $51.93 (several big bags of frozen berries and a pound of tangerines)
- ALMONDS: $7.98
- YOGURT (Plain Greek): $21.96 (qty: 4)
- YOGURT (Plain) $1.99 (qty: 1)
- EGGS: $2.78
- SPINACH: $8.77 (mix of frozen and fresh)
You'll notice we could have saved about $14 if we had just used plain yogurt versus greek yogurt but I found that the greek kept me fuller longer and that was well worth it to me.
If nothing else this experience will also teach me to become more of a savvy shopper for these next 25 days.
All in all I regret none of the expenses. The author does urge you to buy organic (especially for the eggs) but with those prices being even higher I opted out for the most part.
As for the next 25 days, we will be incorporating her eating strategy and I am beyond grateful that she has so many recipes in this book because even though the strategy seems simple enough, I am the type of person that needs a lot of examples before I can piece it all together on my own.
I'll update with further details on our next step once TheFiance and I get a plan of action together and gather groceries for the upcoming week.