
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday Weigh In

Day 76.

Gah.  No movement on the scale front for me this week.

Abel of course had a 2.2 loss.

I shouldn't be too surprised at my number.  Things at work have slowed down and since I have an extra day off that means my feet had an extra day off and my activity wasn't as much as it has been in the last 6 weeks.

This of course only nudges me to start working out again.  Especially since I won't be working mondays for a while. No more excuses nor hiding behind "my job keeps me busy I dont need to work out".   Regardless of the numbers remaining the same I got a lovely compliment from our store owner yesterday.  I'm not sure why there is a difference between someone saying "youre losing weight" versus someone saying "youre slimming down" but I definitely like hearing the word "slimming" in reference to myself.  21.4 pounds away from my first initial weight... its so close now!

In other news, two Saturdays from today will officially be Day 90 and after that we will be moving into monthly weigh ins rather than weekly.   I would love to be a minimum of 2 pounds lighter by Day 90 which considering it means losing one pound a week it shouldn't be a problem.

As for Abel, well I really think he's just going through the motions of weighing in for my behalf.  He's not necessarily interested in what his numbers are and i'm pretty sure he's looking forward to the days where we just weigh in monthly.  Again, I totally envy that about him.  He doesnt care about the number -- he just likes feeling good while eating really good food.

Speaking of which its back to the scouring of the interwebs for more recipes to try this upcoming week.   This weekend my experimental food victim will be Jicama.

Mmm... jicama!