1:30 P.M. Lunch - Savory Spaghetti Squash w/Citrus Zest (pg 120)
5:15 P.M. Snack - Cranberry Parmesan Popcorn (pg 107 & Snack #2 on website)
9:40 P.M. Dinner - Fish Tacos w/Cilantro Jalapeno Guacamole (pg 130)
Breakfasts like these make you a little more eager to get out of bed in the mornings ;0) French toast was always a luxury for us growing up. Once in a blue moon, my father would whip some up on a Saturday morning and we'd all be in sweet syrupy french toast heaven. Eventually when his work schedule changed and he started working different shifts those random french toast mornings came to an end. Sadness...
To this day I still think of my father everytime I see or smell french toast. Perhaps next time we drive up north, I'll be the one making french toast for him!
Lunch was delicious but we found the essence of Asiago cheese to be quite powerful. Oh yes, powerful indeed! The first bite had me hesitant but as usual, once all the flavors melded together, it was really very enjoyable. Next time we may cut the asiago serving in half and replace the other half with something a little more flavor tamed :0)
The popcorn snack was deeee-licious and oh so very plentiful. We didn't actually pop the kernels ourselves in oil -- we kinda cheated and measured the kernels into a brown paper bag to microwave for just under 2 minutes. The parmesan and herbs went really well with the cranberries... now I only need to find a big enough purse to sneak this type of popcorn into any future movie theater outings :0)
Dinner was delicious -- the recipe called for wild pollack but we had some Tilapia from a while back that we wanted to use before buying more fish. We both loved them and added a dash of tabasco sauce to them... Amazing!
As much as I go on and on about how good this food is, I suppose its only fair to mention a few things that haven't gone well while doing this 30 day project...
.. nothing to do with the book mind you, but I thought I would share with you guys the casualties of my cooking. The brave little kitchen items that have had to pay the price for my inept kitchen skills:::
Its hard to tell from the photo but that recipe card is beyond warped from my spilling of something-or-another all over it. The back is a blurry ink smeared mess and I've been too
Plastic melts. Of this I'm sure.
Please don't judge my kitchen skills, for if nothing else what I lack in kitchen safety I make up for in honesty skills and sharing abilities. I share with you my shenanigans. Lucky for TheFiance, he has not incurred any injuries from my new found love of the kitchen...
... well, not yet anyway. ;0)